
Revistes d’Història de la Ciència

·  A rchive for History of Exact Sciences

·  Ambix : Historia de la química

·  American Heritage of Invention and Technology

·  Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales

·  Annals of Science

·  Annals of the History of Computing : Informática

·  Antilia : Revista española de ciencias de la naturaleza y la tecnología (1995-1998)

·  Arabic Sciences and Philosophy

·  Asclepio

·  Azimut

·  Azogue : Revista de historia de la alquimia

·  Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte : Organ der Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsgeschichte

·  Bibliografía de historia de las ciencias en España

·  Bolletino di Storia delle Science Matematiche

·  Book History

·  British Journal for the History of Philosophy

·  British Journal for the Philosophy of Science

·  British Journal for the History of Science

·  BSHS Newsletter : British Society for the History of Science

·  Bulletin for the History of Medicine

·  Bulletin for the History of Chemistry

·  Bulletin of the Scientific Instrument Society

·  Canadian Bulletin of Medical History

·  Centaurus

·  Chemical & Engineering News : Revista de la American Chemical Society

·  Distillations. The

Journal of the Science History Institute

·  Chemistry International : newsmagazine of IUPAC

·  Chrysopoeia : Alquimia

·  Clio Medica

Conecta: Boletín de historia de la ciencia

·  Configurations

·  Convergence : Online magazine – resources to help teach mathematics using its history

·  Corpus : Revue de philosophie

·  Cromohs– Reviews in History

·  Cronos

·  Dynamis

·  EASST Review : European Association for the History of Science and Technology

·  Electronic Journal of Science Education

·  Endeavour

·  Enseñanza de las ciencias

·  Environment and History

·  Environmental History

· ISISCBBase de datos de historia de la ciencia

·  European Review of History

·  Foundations of chemistry

·  French History

·  Galilaeana : Journal of Galilean Studies

·  Gesnerus : Swiss Journal of the History of Medicine and Sciences

·  Gewina : Belgian-Dutch Society for History of Science and Universities

·  Hispania Nova

·  Histoire de l’éducation

·  History of education

·  Histoire des Sciences médicales : Société française d’histoier de la médecine

·  Historia mathematica

·  Historical Metallurgy : Revista y sociedad dedicada a la historia de la metalurgia

·  Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences

·  Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences : Previously . Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences

·  History and Technology

·  History and Theory

·  History Journal Guide

·  History of Australian Science & Technology : 1993-1995

·  History of European Ideas

·  History of Physics Newsletter

·  History of Psicology

·  History of Science

·  History of Science Society

·  History of the Human Sciences

·  História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos : Fundaçao Oswaldo Cruz, Brasil

·  HOPOS : The International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science

·  HOST- Journal of History of Science and Technology : Revista portuguesa

·  Hygiea : Network for the History of Public Health

·  Hyle : Filosofía de la química

·  ICOS – Archival catalogue

·  Interdisciplinary Science Reviews : Aims to set contemporary/historical develop. in science and technology in their cultural context

·  International Journal for the History of Mathematics Education

·  Internet History of Science Sourcebook : Directorio con muchos recursos

·  Irish Academy – Newsletter : Newsletter of the National Committee for the History of Irish Science

·  Isis

·  Journ@l Electronique d’Histoire des Probabilités et de la Statistique : Francés – Inglés

·  Journal for General Philosophy of Science

·  Journal for the History of Astronomy

·  Journal of Chemical Education

·  Journal of Industrial History

·  Journal of Interdisciplinary History

·  Journal of Social History

·  Journal of Technology Studies

·  Journal of the Association for History and Computing

·  Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Soc.

·  Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sci.

·  Journal of the history of biology

·  Journal of the history of collections

·  Journal of the history of ideas

·  Journal of the History of the Neurosciences : Official Journal of the International Society for the History of the Neurosciences

·  Kagakushi : The Journal of the Japanese Society for the History of Chemistry

·  Llull

·  Lychnos

·  Medical History

·  Medizinhistorisch es Journal

·  Mendel Newsletter : an annual publication – APS – History of genetics and allied sciences

·  Metascience

·  Minerva

·  Neusis : The Greek Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

·  Notes and Records of Royal Society

·  Nuncius : Edición electrónica de acceso gratuito

·  Osiris

·  Osmani Bilimi Arastrmalar : Studies in Ottoman Science

·  Paradigm – Textbook Colloquium

·  Perspectives on Science

·  Philosophy of Science

·  Physics in Perspective

·  Public Understanding of Science

·  RACO : Revistes Catalanes d’Accés Obert

·  Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de História da Ciência

·  Revista de la Societat Catalana de Química 

·  Revista eléctronica de enseñanza de las ciencias

·  Revistas electrónicas francesas : Persée

·  Revue d’Histoire des Sciences

·  Romantiste : Revue du dix-neuvième siècle

·  Rutherford Journal : New Zealand Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

·  Science & Education

·  Science and Culture : Revista publicada por Indian Science News Association

·  Science as Culture

·  Science in context

·  Scientia Poetica : Jahrbuch für Geschichte der Literatur und der Wissenschaften

·  Scientific American

·  Scientometrics

·  Scripta Nova

·  Social History of Medicine

·  Social Studies of Science

·  Spontaneous Generations : A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science – published by graduate students (Toronto)

·  Studies in History and Philosophy of Science

·  Sudhoffs Archiv

·  Suhayl – Ciencias árabes

·  Synthese

·  Technology and Culture

·  Technoscience : Newsletter of the Society for Social Studies of Science

·  Techné : Research in Philosophy and Technology

·  Textile History

·  The Journal of Philosophy, Science and Law

·  Theology and Science

Fuentes en historia de la ciencia por A. García Belmar

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